Wednesday, February 15, 2023



A round room with sheets of metal haphazardly leaned against the wall. 

Sound - That godawful tingling of bone chimes. And something else just out of earshot. A high-pitched scraping. Ellison's previously invoked "thing that giggled like a harpsichord."

Party rolls surprise. On a 1, they are surprised, so is the critter, and everyone has a nice brisk jolt of energy as they roll initiative.

Cooking Companions

Any other number, and the party is now CURSED. All future surprise rolls fail on the rolled number or below until they leave the level. So if they were super alert and rolled a 6 for surprise, they'll be surprised NO MATTER WHAT from now on.

You know how this works from watching a million splatter films. You jump at the harmless thing and get a real scare even as you are coiling back into your defensive posture.

The creature who has (not) surprised the party is some sort of giraffe looking thing with a short neck. It dumbly ambles on, unless the party decides to perforate it before they can see it's a harmless sort of cattle. HD 3, Mv 4/10, Ml 7, Att (if cornered) 1 for 1-4 (hoof)

Should they choose murder and then really fish around in its body, they'll find a locket where its heart ought to be. One of those evil ornaments where a shadow is lurking behind you making threatening gestures. Clears up the curse though.

Bennett Cerf

Monday, February 13, 2023



A bespectacled functionary sits at a desk (HP: 8, AC: 2, MV: Won't, ML: 11 Att: Special). He is the guardian of a terrible machine that can draw outside the implied PC inside. 

He will calmly explain that the machine only goes one way, no refunds. Also, it won't turn out the way you want. Also, you are prohibited from using it at all.

Although he won't directly stop the party as they barge past, if they do so,

(or attempt to stab him to death or otherwise interfere, successful or not as he is a slippery little fella - and even if killed dead he will do the same, although afterwards expire theatrically) 

he will stand up, greatly aroused, and make GRAND PROCLOMATIONS in a surprisingly booming voice, advancing:

1    Disquisitivism               
Leave no stone unturned! 
As a CONFUSION spell as party investigates.

2    Excessiveism                 
Redundancy is the new Theurgy! As a bastard child of HALLUCINATORY TERRAIN and MIRROR IMAGE. Instead of a machine, there are copies on copies of the party. There are so many of them they can scarcely remember who is the original.

3    Sensory Conflictism     
As the planet moves, so should your inner ear. Motion sickness all around. As HOLD PERSON.

4    Symetryicsim                
Kissing cousin to Dichotomy Paradoxism - That which is in locomotion must arrive at the half-way stage before it arrives at the goal - even further, as you step forward, the scenery steps back, cha cha. As WALL OF ICE.

5    Capcaisinism               
Spicy! As a 1/2 strength FIREBALL cast by a level 6 Magic User.

6    Rapacitism       
Drink deep and greedily from the cup until, like a squeezed tic, you pop. It ain't hedonism, it's an physio-electro-mechanical imperative. Clown Corp doesn't enjoy drinking the brains out of your skull per se, but drink it does, and heartily.

Effect is similar to a chain of HASTE spells, but really, it's its own thing. Party is moves like highly caffeinated toddlers - so fast they don't have a lot of control over themselves. Anything they want to do, roll 3d6: if any of them are a 6, they succeed (while the other 3 segments they are doing any one of 100 other things), but a particularly complex action (like casting a spell) mostly likely needs AT LEAST 2 6s.

Problem is, on a 1, they can't help but interfere with their fellows because "MINE", undoing the next 6 following, unless the second gives them a sharp blow (1d4 damage, automatically hits) to keep them away.

The machine unfolds thusly, doing its magic on the first person through the apparatchik's cordon of conceptual complexity:

a Thief finds Reliijon and becomes fire-breathing Cleric

a Cleric gets corrupted by forbidden Books and becomes demon-haunted Magic User

a Magic User gets his brains scrambled by an unhealthy diet of sugar and eldritch electricity (and perhaps acquires a resultant Alcohol problem) and becomes quarrelsome Fighter

a Fighter gets his A** handed to him and become jumpy, jumpy Thief

(Please note that subclasses go the OTHER direction FOR THE MOST PART)

a Paladin's faith goes up in a puff of hubris and Disappointment, becomes flim flam artist Illusionist.

a Ranger's trip TOO far into the wilderness changes the whole deal for him - there is a woods inside woods inside woods like a tree matryoshka. Only in the well-ordered grove of a monastery can he calm his nerves through study in combat and Monk mediation and untangle the awful ramble.

an Illusionist's phantasmagorias over time go all Jungian-granola archetypes, becomes spooky Druid

a Druid's sacred glade is burned down by Industrialist, becomes revenge-obsessed Assassin

a Monk's side loses in factional dispute following the death of the Master, becomes sad circus Acrobat

(or if you must, go ahead and call him a circus Bard - I choose corde lisse over chords lute, but realize this is not a universal or even popular opinion) 

an Assassin's botched attempt to kill a Demigod results in a shift in targets and in times - they the determined holdout, an Onada Hiroo situation, waiting for a second shot at the diety. Alas, the span of a Demigod is but slightly less fleeting than a man's. The world has moved on, and it has completed the work of this grizzled now Ranger, whose assignment cannot now be completed.

an Acrobat's fall from an obscene height pops him into a sword-dimension where he is handed some sort of armament of justice by an extraterrestrial force. It ain't a Holy Avenger per se, but it makes him a swashbuckling Paladin out of him anyway.

(or if you gotta do bards, make it an EPIC carousing session - wine, wo(men), and song in any order)

(and although the use of demi humans is strongly discouraged in this particular setting, in any other that such a machine were to be constructed, Elves become Orcs (war and industry exerted on a sylvan temperament), Orcs become Dwarves (hearth, mound, enclosure, and roof remold the battle monster to a boaster of an dim-lit antique past), Dwarves become Halflings (give up the gold for butter, the dirge songs for dancing), Halflings become elves (by travel along the Straight Way perhaps, even over generations or in spaceships they stretch out, or at least they seemed shorter from here - see length contraction).

(Gnomes are Gnomes and there's nothing to be done about it)

(all XP remains the same, so levels might fluctuate depending on the transformation).

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


This damn boat. This boat. Somebody is piloting it, running upriver, letting it drift again, shooting off eight bizarro cannons. They hit Iscyra. They hit Superbia. They knocked over some of the Lawful Goodfolk's towers. They punched through Hunch. 

Everybody is pissed.

Everybody is sending their people to put a stop to it.

She's a live one. A well-organized resistance while being boarded.

Edmund Ranklin Ward 

As your small skiff approaches, they train their cannons on you (ok, one cannon, roll 1d8 to see which)!

It takes a while, the cannons being ancient things from olden days on broken wheels. It's OSR innint, so the chassis of these terrible weapons are the bodies of dead Gods: as follows 

(thanks you Dan Sumption's 

I am sorry, I came to worship but instead I killed them, after watering them up toward the sun with delusions of grander spheres of influence than industrial tidbits)

Treat any of these as breath weapons from a dragon (save for half the effect).

You've got time though. To train any one on you takes 1d6 turns. Given that you can scale the ship in 1d3 turns, you ought to be OK.

1    Zaraklou            Marsupial god of Industrial Agriculture

Two modes: Fertilizer and Napalm.

2    Joouj                  Will-o-the-wisp goddess of musique concrète

Screaming skull illusions. They'll drag you kicking and screaming to another plane unless you disbelieve them. Grippy teeth.

3    Wiechioauv        Mouse demon of heat sinks

Like a bath bomb, but full of rats.

4    Oup-lath            Hierophant and World Conquering Elephant of Sexy Fembots

Charm person and you'll be led around on a leash by the lady whose sigil has boffeted you.

Carl Barks

5    Goocxax            Oblivion god of deprecated protocols

Level drain - 1d3 levels! Save for no drain but a RUSH of memories from antique civilizations that overwhelms you for 1d6 turns and don't ever quite go away.

6    Eepgu'yäb         Readable by medium insect god of the Impervious Wall

A stream of locusts.

7    Lej-soujaua      Goddess of Social Darwinism and phrenology

Calipers. 1d20 permeant Charisma damage. If you fall below 3 charisma, you turn invisible because nobody will acknowledge you exist.

8    Kaboor             Many-limbed guardian of the 16 Esoteric Treasures

Guardian might be overstating it. Sometimes its chunks of concrete, but sometimes it's the priceless treasures that are being fired at you. Whatever is on hand goes into the cannon. The treasures will crawl back home over time, hit or miss. They'll make you go with them. Guard them.

They are the Picnic Basket, the Bugle, the Bicycle, the Snaffle, the Pen Knife, the Fire Pit, the Whetstone, the Fur Coat, the Soap Dish, the Backgammon set, the Cloak, the Poncho, the Anchovies, the Lightbulb, the Icecream, the Rolling pin, the Small but Full-throated dog.

Alexander Jansson

(in Kaboor's native form, he looks like a picnic from a distance, checkerboard tablecloth - there are flashes of some sort of horror: bear mauling or otherwise - his cannon body is also so disguised)


  " Now I'm going to merely sit here on the side and laugh my ass off at how you sink into the quagmire like the triceratops."...